MOM (Ministry of Manpower) Singapore announced on 7th of May 2017, that changes to the current FDW (maid) Insurance requirement will be made. This change is to ensure FDWs are well protected and compensated in the unfortunate event of permanent disability or death while working in Singapore.
This change will take effect from the 1st of October 2017.
The main changes are as follows:
- Revised minimum sum assured from $40,000 to $60,000.
The PAI (Personal Accident Insurance) is to protect FDWs and their family in the event of permanent disability or death. MOM has increased this minimum to reflect the increase in FDW’s median wage in the last few years. The premiums are expected to increase by $15.
- Define the Coverage of PAI
MOM will require that the PAI covers all sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected incidents that result in the death or permanent disability of the FDW. Insurers will not be permitted to impose additional conditions, exceptions or exclusions except those specified by the Controller for Work Passes such as on pre-existing conditions and suicide. This is to ensure all FDWs are fully covered regardless of which insurer’s policy is purchased.
- Clarify the Period of Insurance Cover
The intent of PAI has always been to ensure that FDWs are protected throughout their employment in Singapore. To make this clear, we will specify that the period of PAI cover must be from the date the FDW first arrives in Singapore to the date the FDW returns to her country or, in the case where she is changing employers, to the date her new work permit is issued. This change is in line with employers’ existing responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of their FDWs.
- Allow FDWs and their Legal Representatives to File Claims
Employers are responsible for the filing of claims with insurers for accidents covered under PAI. However, there may be cases where the employer is unable to file the claims. Changes will be made to allow FDWs or their Legal Representatives to file claims directly with insurers. In addition, in the event the FDW or next of kin is unable to file the claims themselves, an MOM-appointed representative can also be directed to act on their behalf.
- Implementation
Employers will need to purchase PAI policies with the new requirements upon new application or renewal of FDW Work Permits from 1 Oct 2017.
If you are looking to renew your FDWs insurance, please contact us, we provide complimentary MOM documentation service with every purchase of FDW Insurance. Call: 66330733.