You need help in your household, be it house keeping, or a nanny to look after the kids. Before we start looking to interviewing available helpers to join your family, the Ministry of Manpower Singapore, which governs the employment of Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) has stipulated the following criteria for hiring:
- Residential Status
All Singapore Citizens / Permanent Residents / Employment Pass Holder / Dependent Pass Holder are eligible to hire a FDW.
- Age
Employers of FDW, have to be at least 21 years old during the application.
- Financial Requirements
Employers of FDW cannot be a discharged bankrupt. Employers need to have the financial means to hire, pay, maintain and upkeep the FDW in an acceptable accommodation.
- Mental Capacity
All Employers need to have the mental capacity to carry out his/her obligation and responsibility of an employer.
Employers – You should not be diagnosed with any medical condition that would impair your ability to exercise supervision and control over the well being of the FDW. Examples of such medical conditions include Alzheimer, dementia, and schizophrenia which can cause symptoms such as severe memory lapses, confusion, emotional instability, progressive loss of mental ability, paranoia, etc.
- 1st-time employer
If it is your 1st time hiring a FDW, then MOM requires you to attend an Employer Orientation Programme (EOP). The EOP will help you understand your role and responsibilities as an employer of a FDW. This includes the laws that govern. Employers need to complete the EOP at least 2 days prior to submission of work permit application.
You have to fulfill all the criteria to be eligible to hire a FDW.
Additional information
In addition to Insurance and Security Bond required by MOM, employers need to pay a monthly work levy for their FDW, which is currently at SGD 265.00.
The good news is there are schemes for the concessionary rate of SGD 60.00 for the following:
- Young Child or Grandchild Scheme – if you have a Singapore citizen child / grandchild, below 16 years old and living at the same address as you (employer).
- Aged Person Scheme – if you are a Singapore citizen or living with a family member who is a Singapore citizen aged 65 and above.
- Persons with disabilities Scheme – you or your family member must be certified by a Singapore-registered doctor as someone who needs help in at least 1 daily living activity, e.g. showering, feeding, dressing and moving.
If you have any other queries about hiring a Domestic helper, please call us at +65 66330733 or drop us an email at weare@helpers.sg