Hiring FDW from Philippines
Before Hiring

How to Direct Hire a Maid from the Philippines to Singapore?

If you are planning to direct hire a Filipino helper who is currently in the Philippines, this article will hopefully help you to understand the procedures, documents and what both you and your foreign domestic helper needs to do.

Why Direct Hire from the Philippines?

There are many reasons to direct hire a maid from the Philippines. Some of the reasons could be a personal recommendation from a trusted person, a former helper or someone who previously worked with you or due to a lower cost in processing the application.

If you are choosing to direct hire a maid from the Philippines to Singapore, you may want to take note of the following procedures and required documents to avoid rejections and application delays.

Required Documents on Direct Hiring a Filipino Maid From Philippines to Singapore

To direct-hire your maid from the Philippines to Singapore, here are the requirements that you need to be able to hire a foreign domestic helper:

– Complete the Ministry of Manpower’s Employer Orientation Programme (EOP), if you are a first-time employer register here- eop.com.sg

– Apply for an “in-principle approval letter” or IPA and send it to the helper so they can enter the country. The IPA will come from the MOM with a special control number which you need to apply for their maid insurance policy

– Sort out their maid insurance policy and security bond, before your helper arrives in Singapore.

– Flight to Singapore with at least 20kg check-in luggage

– Arrange for the SIP (Settling in Programme) for 1st timer helpers in Singapore, medical exams and issuance of her work permit

For maid directly hire from the Philippines, they will have to present and obtain the following documents:

– Passport with at least 6 months validity upon arrival in Singapore

– Education Certificate (minimum of 8 years of formal education)

– Employment contract verified by POLO Singapore
POEA application can only be done with an accredited POLO agency in Singapore, as part of the POEA regulation.

Documents required includes:

  • IPA – In-Principle Approval from MOM
  • Copy of employer’s ID
  • POLO standard employment contract
  • POLO’s employer undertaking
  • Employment Agency’s undertaking
  • Philippines Embassy bond
  • Helper’s passport copy.

– Certificate of attendance for PEOS – Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar

– Medical clearance from an accredited POEA medical clinic

– Philhealth – Philippines Health Insurance Program contributions are made

– TESDA Skill Certification (NC II) National Certificate on Domestic Work

– Certificate of attendance to their PDOS -Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar

– Certificate of attendance for the OWWA seminar. (Overseas Worker Welfare Administration)

– Paid OWWA membership

– Paid Pagibig Membership

– NBI and Barangay Clearance

– OEC (Overseas Employment Certificate)

How To Start The Process

Once you have confirmed your direct hire helper, the next step is to engage an accredited POEA employment agency to assist with the documentation and application with POLO and POEA. This will help you save time and money as you receive consultations on best practices.

At helpers.sg, the following is the standard procedure flow:

  • Get your helper’s contact in the Philippines, verify her documents and assist with other required documents.
  • Finalised the helper’s expenses.
    Do note that some would need to loan from the employer for expenses incurred in the Philippines.
  • Upon confirmation, we will start the arrangement of the medical checkup for your helper. Only after medical clearance, we will proceed with the application with MOM.
  • Concurrently, we will arrange for the helper to obtain her documents and certificates for the application procedure.
  • After obtaining the IPA, we will proceed with the application with POLO (Philippines Embassy) with the rest of the procedure to follow.
  • We provide access to that tracking of the procedure, so you will be updated every step of the way.

Processing Time Line

In best-case scenarios, the whole application takes between 4 – 5 weeks (with no hiccups/ delays in the process).

Below is an estimate of each procedure.

Milestones Duration ( Working Days)
Medical in the Philippines 3 to 4 working days
MOM Work Permit Application 1 working days to 1 week
Submission to POLO (Philippines Embassy) 1 week
Courier of documents to the Philippines 2 to 3 working days
PDOS / OWWA Seminars 3 to 5 working days
Submission of documents to POEA 3 to 5 working days


Note: Some procedures can be done concurrently with the milestones stated above.

Tesda, PEOS can be done while an application with the MOM and submission to POLO Singapore is taking place.

Possible cause of delay to factor in:

  • Helper’s timeliness
  • POLO and POEA processing time
  • Tesda could take from 3 days to 4 weeks depending on the status of the helper’s application
  • Known slow response from government agencies

What are the Costs borne by the Employer

Employers are required to pay the following for your maid’s application and documentation:

  • MOM work permit application and issuance fees
  • Employer’s Orientation Programme (EOP)
  • Airfare
  • Transportation in Singapore when your helper arrives
  • POEA application and documentation fees
  • MOM required insurance coverage and security bond
  • SIP if 1st timer
  • MOM Medical examination in Singapore
  • The employer’s levy fee starts from $300.

Concessionary rates for Singapore citizens are given if the employers are 67 years old and up or have children under 16 and or with elderly at home.

What are the costs borne by the Foreign Domestic Worker

For the helpers, they are responsible for the following cost involved in the application for direct hire to Singapore. These expenses are stipulated by the POEA to be the applicant’s cost.

  • Passport
  • An authenticated transcript of records and diploma through Department of Education Philippines
  • TESDA accredited training course
  • TESDA testing and certification
  • POEA’s medical examination
  • SSS, Pag-IBIG and PhilHealth membership fees
  • Transportation / Food / Lodging in the Philippines.

What to Remember when Direct Hiring Filipino Maids in Singapore

If you plan to direct hire from the Philippines, you may want to take note that the whole process will take about 6 weeks (if without incidental delays).

Besides fulfilling MOM’s requirement for both employer and helper, application and approval with the POLO (Philippines Overseas Labour Office) and POEA (Philippines Overseas Employment Administration) are required.

Employers have to bear in mind; you have to fulfil the government requirements in both Singapore and the Philippines. It is important to note that application with the POLO / POEA requires engaging a POEA accredited agency like ours.

Helpers.sg is one of the most affordable agencies with the success rate of bringing hundreds of direct-hire helpers into Singapore each year.

Reach out  to us today to find out more!
